Time management : Managing priorities and staying organized


Time management : Managing priorities and staying organized


We often feel like we're not managing our time effectively, which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction or incompetence. This training aims to provide practical tools for time management, clarify priorities, and define boundaries to move away from urgency.


  • Gain perspective on one's daily life to have an overview of tasks
  • Categorize tasks and prioritize them according to their level of urgency and importance
  • Establish a personalised schedule using digital and organisational tools
  • Optimise personal organisation
  • Identify time-consuming activities and contacts
  • Become aware of limiting beliefs influencing time and priority management (difficulty saying no, need for control, guilt, putting others before oneself...)
  • Provide an appropriate response to the needs hidden behind these beliefs
  • Implement a personalised action plan to manage time and priorities more effectively


  • 1/2 day (3:30)



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Pétillances Sàrl

+325 26 10 87 16

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