Supporting the return to the office


A new challenge faces companies that have experienced an extended period of remote work: bringing employees back to the office with confidence. The uncertainty surrounding the return to the workplace remains high for many. Employers are confronted with unique challenges associated with implementing a return to the office, including leading and supporting employees during this transition back to work. 

The objective of this training is to provide you with the tools to effectively support your employees in their return to the office. 


  • Focus on communication to alleviate your team's concerns
  • Communicate the new expectations regarding office policy 
  • Practice active listening and allow each team member to express their concerns
  • Facilitate interpersonal connections to restore human bonds
  • Monitor and manage your emotions
  • Understand the process of resilience and the factors that promote it
  • Revitalise team spirit in a post-crisis context
  • Learn from recent experiences


  • 1 day (7 hours)

Dans votre entreprise

--Dans votre entreprise--
--Dans votre entreprise--
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