Leadership 2 : Strengthening managerial skills
Leadership 2 : Strengthening managerial skills
The goal of this module is to provide participants with the opportunity to experiment with new tools in a secure environment and deepen their knowledge.
While the first module primarily focuses on personal communication, this one will be oriented towards team dynamics and the long-term management of its members. To achieve this, theoretical approaches and numerous practical exercises will be aligned.
- Learn to identify the different phases of team dynamics and the managerial style to adopt to lead collaborators towards improved performance
- Identify the development potential of collaborators and support them in it
- Deal with emotions involved in any interpersonal relationship
- Recognize and defuse relational power plays
- Implement change and address resistance to it
- Learn to set SMART objectives
- Conduct successful evaluation, appreciation, and reorientation interviews
- 1 day (7 hours)