Delivering a difficult message


Whether one is a team leader, HR manager, or team member, delivering a difficult message is never easy. Concrete and objective facts alone may not always suffice to convey potentially challenging information. The aim of this training is to facilitate the appropriate delivery of these delicate messages by providing participants with the necessary tools. Through highly practical exercises tailored to their professional reality, participants will develop the skills needed for calm, composed, and effective communication.


  • Identify the different categories of emotions involved in delivering a difficult message, as well as those before and after it
  • Recognize the most suitable communication channel and content for all stakeholders, both in terms of substance and style, and utilize appropriate information entry points according to the VAK model
  • Deal with the reactions of interlocutors calmly and serenely
  • Be attentive to one's own needs and feelings, as well as those of others, when delivering a difficult message
  • If necessary, argue directly or indirectly and/or symbolically
  • Dare to express everything that needs to be said with respect and understanding
  • Take into account the stages of grief that follow the delivery of a difficult message
  • Constructively conclude this conversation


  • 1 day (7 hours)

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